Thursday, September 16, 2010


The title says it all. I had a gag order imposed the last three weeks. Our daughter was expecting twins at any time three weeks ago yesterday, the day my wife and I were in a car accident. We were both taken to the hospital for a "23hr observation", and then sent home for our recovery. We just couldn't tell our daughter since she lives 2000 miles away, and all it would do is upset her. Then 8 days later the twins were born, but we still couldn't say anything, don't want to rain on their parade. Last night I finally told her, she said she's so mad at us. I told here she'll get over it.

I don't remember the accident at all. I remember seeing a group of cars, a space, then a group of cars on the 4 lane divided highway I was crossing. Then I was asleep dreaming. I woke up on the other side of the highway on a lawn, sitting in the passenger seat with the keys in my hand. My wife was sitting on the ground outside the open passenger door, and many people were milling around. Someone from work, I was only a block away, told me to just sit back down, help would be there soon. Just sit back down? I hadn't gone anywhere, I just woke up! I kept saying that it was so strange, and I didn't know how I got there. I must have fell back asleep because the next thing I remember was getting in the ambulance, and someone asking me a bunch of questions.

After cat scans and "observation" they found that I had compression fractures of the 2-5 vertebrae, and my wife had a pelvic fracture. Nothing they can do for either but wait for them to heal. We're still not 100%, but can at least get around. We just picked up a new (used) car the other day. That took a lot of time and energy to find. Probably in 2-3 weeks I'll be back to work at the job I just got called back to and only worked 2 days before the accident.

There are some things that "don't make sense". How did I get in the passenger seat, with the keys in my hand, when I was asleep? The obvious answer is the hand of God.
In this case I believe it was the hands of angels of God. Four small angels with gold or silver cables lifted me out of my seat, moved me to the passenger seat, straightened my back out, and put the keys in my hand. Sounds far fetched? It is written that you should have faith like a child. A child would have no problem believing that. I have no other explanation. Things that don't make sense to us in our human realm, make perfect sense in the spiritual realm.
From the Jars of Clay song:
They say that I can move the mountain
and send it crashing to the sea.
They say that I can walk on water,
If I would follow and believe,
With faith like a child.

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