Friday, February 28, 2014

Del Gesu Archings

Now the final design stage brings us to the del Gesu archings.

In figuring out his archings, I found that they are done the same way as Montagnanas' were. I had to move the line for the catenary curve in, so it follows about the same as the Montagnana. Del Gesus archings are lower, but the basic geometry is the same, and each would have understood what the other was doing. I found that if you want to have a straight cycloid on the outside, you can't push the cross arches on the inside out to close to the edge in the bouts. It will make a nice full arch, that some models follow, but it won't be the arch that defines del Gesu, or Montagnana.

The arches do rise up on both models quite quickly in the c bouts; that is just the nature of a shorter, taller, cycloid. It isn't just straight up though. The radius at the low point is an important feature. The radius changes all along the edge, and in the bouts it is very flat, especially on the del Gesu. How can we work that in? Maybe having set points, with certain radii, and then blending them in so the change is imperceptible?

Now I did do some changes. I changed the curves into the corners from the upper and lower bouts. Straight radii don't look so good there. The c bouts look fine round. Both models use the same scroll. I think it was the model set out by Andreas CNC shop, tolerances =/- .5mm. I need to make some copies, get some more 1/2" MDF to make the molds, and I need a couple pieces of spruce for bellies, and at least on back and one neck; I think I'll make the del Geus out of some crazy stock I have.


  1. Real nice work for February, Ken. Until I read you were going to use a 19.5 arching height, I was gonna suggest 35 to 43 grain lines per inch for your order of spruce but that height scares me. Don't let it scare you though. If you lowered the saddle some I'd think it could tighten things up some along with a little power added. Not that you would need more power. Here's what I would do following what you have posted here. I would go the Montagnana route and after shaping/gouging/scraping plates and recurve areas afterwards I may end up with a del Gesu because of the way I removed wood. I'd be proud of it regardless. Good luck Ken

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