I worked on the outside of the belly the last couple of days thinning it out, but I'll post about that later. Today my wife and I took a little day trip. That's where this picture was taken. Not much of a clue is it. The next photo shows the location, but the first picture is still cryptic, and kind of cool.
The top photo is a shot straight down into the St. Clair river, right at the bottom of Lake Huron. Though you can't see it in the photo there are hundreds of little fish swimming frantically against the current that is about 7.5mph. Just a few feet from that photo there were no fish to be found. And as we got closer to the bridge, and the base of Lake Huron there were even more fish. Why? Why would the fish go to the place where the current is the strongest? Food. I don't know this for sure, but all the water from 3 great lakes is dumping into this small space. It's bound to be loaded in nutrients. Besides having the current, the waves are very choppy. Twenty foot boats look like they're about to flip over and even huge boats with flying bridges "slap" the water. The fish go there because the rewards are the greatest. The going is hard, and I imagine the predator fish know they are there too, so the risk is great. Do you do this in your life? Do you want to do this in your life? Maybe you don't, but God put you there anyway! The choppy, rough sailing is the place God knows you will learn the most. Let the learning go to your heart and let the feeding frenzy begin. If you don't reach for his food and wisdom, and try to do it alone, you will only tire out before the reward is reached. But by jumping in and swimming upstream with your eyes only on the goal, and not the obstacles, totally sure of your success, you will obtain it.
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