I popped the plates of the birch violin off the ribs today. Now I can start tuning them up. This is my starting point: The belly is 76g and rings at 382. It is solid with no f holes or bass bar. The stiffness number is 11.1, quite stiff. The slab birch back has a rather low ring note of c - 263 and weighs 123g for a stiffness number of 8.5, also rather low. I'm sure the belly ring note will drop in pitch, but right now they are almost a fifth apart. There is another rather strong overtone on the back at g 392 as well, so they sound pleasing when tapped back to back. It's a starting point anyway. I think the low back ring tone is a characteristic of the slab birch. It sounds like good soundwood, rustles when rubbed with the fingers and all, just has a lower pitch. The photo show the piece of foam I use to find the tap tone. Laying the plate right side up and tapping in the center gives you mode 5, the ring tone. Laying the plate upside down and tapping on the top or bottom gives mode 2, I think. Tapping with the plate in the same position on the side of the upper or lower bouts gives mode 1. For the belly mode 1 is 93 mode 2 is 190 mode 5 is 382. The back mode 1 is 86, mode 2 is 131 mode 5 is 263. So it's Gb2 Gb3 G4 for the belly and F2 F3 and C4 for the back.
I just finished reading a great book. No, I didn't read it at the grocery store. Well I did in read the first 4 chapters or so there, but then my wife took it out of the library for me. It is The Shack, by William P. Young. I think it is one of the finest books I've ever read. If you haven't read it pick up a copy. You won't be sorry.